Core ACS Umbrella

We take our duty of care to you very seriously and our compliance accreditations are second to none.

Umbrella companies have flourished in the last 10 years because compliant companies like Core can offer a hassle-free employment solution which allows you to move from assignment to assignment but still stay employed and paid via one company.

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The CIS scheme applies to contractors; subcontractors, organisations that are involved in the construction industry and agencies suppling workers.

CFM CIS are experts in the Construction Industry Scheme and as such can help you navigate the minefield of legislation that surrounds CIS.

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In-house IR35 compliance

Core are delighted to specialise in IR35, and have an IR35 Assignment Status Tool to ensure supply-chain compliance.

The tool is operated in-house by an IR35 expert who can give you real and honest advice about how to best manage compliance in this complicated field.

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At every Core there is a seed that starts the journey

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